Alberto Nunez Intermediate Bodybuilding Program

Structure? Adherence? Consistency? These were probably the things that came to mind when you read the title of this week’s podcast. While all of these things are definitely important for success in the sport of bodybuilding, there are a few less recognizable ones, which are of equal importance. It’s thoughts like, “Maybe it’s not your time to get shredded yet”, that coaches Andrea Valdez, Jeff Alberts and Alberto Nunez discuss in this week’s episode.

A familiar statement by coach Brad Loomis is, “I am no Jeff Alberts.” What exactly does he mean by this? Does having been an athlete in a different sport prior to beginning your journey in natural bodybuilding provide some advantages? And the shocking answer to, “How long it takes after someone has started training, until you’re able to gage their ultimate physical potential in the sport of bodybuilding”, are all discussed in great length.

The group finishes their discussion by expanding out and speaking on the intermingling relationship of the sport of bodybuilding, with the rest of our life. A captivating discussion on topics such as: being a better bodybuilder doesn’t always mean you’re being a better person, and the importance of “keeping the goal the goal” transpires.

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  2. Bodybuilding: Beyond the Basics I don’t know a single serious lifter who doesn’t want to build more muscle. It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself a bodybuilder or not. Most people get into lifting to look better. Sure we might also pick up other lifting pursuits (such as getting stronger) but at our core, we still want to look good.

Alberto Nunez Workout

Here is a template for Alberto Nunez's intermediate routine that I found on a youtube video. Just thought I would post it so it would be easier to follow! Also, note that the 5th day is a choice of your weakest bodypart. He generically put back exercises down there, but you should add your weak points on that day.

Alberto Nunez Intermediate Bodybuilding Program For Beginners




#12: What Makes A Successful Bodybuilder?3D Muscle Journey

Selected Links from this Episode


Jeff’s Body Building Posing Guide

Alberto Nunez Intermediate Bodybuilding Program

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He first stepped on a competitive stage in 2007, and then the very next year he earned his pro status in virtually every major natural organization. While Alberto Nunez is relatively new to the sport of competitive bodybuilding he has played a vital role in promoting the natural movement. His contributions as a coach, athlete, and author have helped propel some of the growth the sport has seen over the last decade.

Despite all this success, Nuñez claims his most successful accolade comes in the fact that he gets to be called Coach Nuñez. “My biggest thrill is that I was lucky enough to be one of the founders of Team 3DMJ. I can honestly say we as a team have changed this sport we love for the better. Everyday I am thankful that I get to be part of this movement, alongside Coach Helms, Loomis, Alberts and Valdez.”






Alberto Nunez Bodybuilder


Alberto Nunez Intermediate Bodybuilding Program Pdf

Alberto nunez intermediate bodybuilding program pdf

Alberto Nunez Intermediate Bodybuilding Program For Kids


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