American Dragon In Hindi Season 1

Set in New York City, this animated series tells the story of thirteen-year-old Jake Long who must balance ordinary adolescent transformation with the amazing power and ability to change into the form of a dragon. When he eventually unlocks his full potential and turns into the American Dragon, he will overcome obstacles to protect the magical creatures living in the city, but as his ordinary self, Jake Long can’t conquer his huge romantic crush on the pretty blond schoolmate Rose who, unbeknownst to Jake, has a dark, magical secret of her own. She’s a natural dragon slayer named Huntsgirl, a member of the Huntsclan that slay dragons. Jake navigates the city with fellow skateboarders Trixie Carter and Arthur P. Spuddinski (A.K.A Spud), and when he gets home, it’s to an extended family: a businessman dad originally from the Midwest who doesn’t know he’s married into a family of dragons from his Chinese wife named Susan. Jake’s maternal grandfather Laoshi (who recently immigrated to train his grandson in the magical, mystical ways of the ancient dragons), younger seven-year-old sister Haley (a nascent dragon), and Grandpa’s gruff sidekick, a magical Shar-Pei named Fu Dog.

American Dragon: Jake Long HINDI Episodes
–Season 02–

Feb 10, 2005 American Dragon: Jake Long - Season 1: Act 4, Scene 15 - Wanting to get some lip-on-lip action with the honey of his dreams, Jake butchers the role of Antony to play opposite Rose's Cleopatra in the school play. Audience Reviews for American Dragon: Jake Long: Season 1 There are no featured audience reviews yet. Click the link below to see what others say about American Dragon: Jake Long: Season 1! Watch American Dragon: Jake Long season 1 episode 3 online. The complete guide by MSN. Click here and start watching the full episode in seconds. Oct 09, 2020 Always on a skateboard, Jake befriends unicorns, leprechauns, and mermaids while aspiring to fulfill his Chinese-American heritage. Season 1 Season 2. Title: American Dragon. Audio: Tamil – Telugu – Hindi. Quality: Full HD (.

Jake, feeling humiliated by his family’s Christmas traditions, turns his back on them. But when he rescues a baby Sasquatch who was accidentally separated from its family, he learns the true meaning of his “lame” Chinese family traditions.

Jake’s loyalty in Fu Dog wanes as he constantly fails to help him out in their partnership. When Fu allows his animal guardian license to expire once again, Jake is assigned a temporary animal guardian: a cool new “hip-hop” helper monkey, “Bananas B.”, to replace him, who he quickly takes a liking to and he ignores Fu, causing him to lose his chance to renew his licence. But the true loyalty of the animal helpers is put to the test when Chang escapes from prison and exacts revenge on Jake. Bananas proves to be a coward and defects to Chang’s side and she prepares to exact her revenge on Jake. Trixie and Spud, whose own relationship was strained after a misunderstanding, make up and convince Fu to help Jake as animal guardian or not, Jake is his best friend. Fu saves Jake who defeats Chang, but when forced to chose between saving Fu or letting her go, Jake saves Fu. Jake later appeals to the Animal Guardian review board and gets them to reinstate Fu’s licence, pointing out Fu’s loyalty and friendship.
American Dragon In Hindi Season 1

Jake is keeping a secret from his teachers and classmates — he’s a descendant of dragons! Still facing all the normal pitfalls of being 13, Jake is also in secret training to become the first American Dragon. With the help of Grandpa Lao Shi and 600 year-old Fu Dog, Jake seeks to protect all the magical creatures living amongst humans in Manhattan. Always on a skateboard, Jake befriends unicorns, leprechauns, and mermaids while aspiring to fulfill his Chinese-American heritage.

Season 1 | Season 2


Title : American Dragon

Audio : Tamil – Telugu – Hindi

Quality : Full HD

( How To Watch ( or )Download )

Episode List

1. Bring It On

2. Half Baked

3. The Academy

4. The Doppelganger Gang

American Dragon Ep 1

American Dragon In Hindi Season 1

5. Something Fishy This Way Comes

6. Breakout

American Dragon In Hindi Season 11

7. Family Business

8. Hero Of The Hourglass

9. Dreamscape

10. Befuddled Mind, A

11. Fools Gold

12. Feeding Frenzy

13. Haley Gone Wild

14. Supernatural Tuesday

15. The Rotwood Files

16. Hairy Christmas

17. Switcheroo

18. The Love Cruise

American Dragon In Hindi Season 1 Ep 20 In Hindi

19. Year Of The Jake

20. Homecoming

American Dragon In Hindi Season 1 Ep 3

21. Siren Says

22. Young At Heart

24 Hindi Season 1

23. Shaggy Frog

24. Nobody’S Fu

25. Magic Enemy #1

26. Ghost Story, A


27. Bite Father, Bite Son

28. Game On

29. Furious Jealousy

30. Being Human

31. The Hong Kong Longs

[ Season Completed ]

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