Dot Product In Microsoft Word Equation

When editing some documents involving mathematical formulas and symbols in Word, it can be a challenge to input them because you may not be able to find the corresponding buttons on keyboard. So what’s the best way to insert these relatively difficult formulas? Here are 3 commonly used methods you can try.


Method 1. Insert Equations Symbols

Insert Mathematics Symbols in Windows. There are multiple ways you can insert mathematics symbols in Windows 10. Using Alt Code Shortcuts. On Windows based documents, hold one of the alt key on your keyboard and press the numbers in the first column of the above table. Microsoft Mathematics Add-in for Microsoft Word and Microsoft OneNote makes it easy to plot graphs in 2D and 3D, solve equations or inequalities, and simplify algebraic expressions in your Word documents and OneNote notebooks. Using the Equation Editor Inserting an Equation To insert an equation, do one of the following. Word: Insert / Object / Microsoft Equation 3.0 WordPerfect: Insert / Equation If you are using Word on your home computer, you may want to add the equation editor to the toolbar so that it is much quicker to add equations.

1. Go to Insert tab and choose Equation in Symbols section.

2. There are some pre-set formulas for you to choose and edit.

3. You can also select Insert New Equation, of course.

4. It will insert a textbox in the document and enable the Equation Tools in Design tab, in where you can insert different kinds of mathematical symbols directly.

5. Just hit the symbols you want to insert and input the specific numbers in the corresponding positions of the textbox. In this way you can input any mathematical formula you want.

Method 2. Ink Equation

If you don’t want to find these symbols separately and rather input the formula by handwriting, you can try the Ink Equation feature in Word 2016 and above versions.

1. Just switch to Insert tab and click EquationInsert New Equation to toggle on Equation Tools. Then find Ink Equation button at the left side of the Equation Tools (Design) tab to invoke the handwriting window.

2. You can click Write button and use your mouse or writing pad to write the formula here. The identified formula will show at the top.

3. If there’s anything wrong, you can click the Select and Correct button and then hit the wrong part to choose the right symbol in the expanded menu.

4. You can also click Erase button to wipe part of the formula, or click Clear button to delete all the inks in the writing box.

5. After finishing the handwriting, just hit Insert to add the formula to your document.

Method 3. Microsoft Equation

1. Go to Insert tab, click Object button in Text section. Choose Microsoft Equation 3.0 in the list of Object type in Create New tab and click OK to confirm it.

Three Dots In Microsoft Word

2. Then the Equation toolbar will pop out along with a textbox. You can insert any mathematical symbol you want by clicking them in the toolbar. In this way you can also insert a difficult mathematical symbol quickly.

Relevant Reading

If you create the table in Excel and paste it into Word document, updates of the table databecome difficult because you need to launch embedded Excel for each change. Moreover, thevisual appearance of Word and Excel tables is different, and you will need a lot of time onthe styling of the Excel table. For some situations, this is not practical because it isfaster to insert and change simple formulas in the Word document (seeHow to reference a cell of a Word table):

To add a formula into the Word table (seeHow to calculate formulas in a Word documentif you need to use formulas without tables), do the following:

1. Position the cursor where you want to paste aformula.

Dot Product In Microsoft Word Equation Editor

2. Under Table Tools, on the Layout tab,in the Data group, click the Formula button:

3. In the Formula dialog box, enter the formula:

Unfortunately, Word proposes only simple operations and functions that can work without Excel(seeFunctions and formulas in Word).However, you still can create many simple formulas instead of using the calculator. Cellreferences in formulas are similar to Excel: A1, B12, etc.

Note: The Formula dialog box is not your only option, you can pressCtrl+F9 to create a field and type a formula inside the field braces:

Dot Product In Microsoft Word Equation Editor Download Free

See also this tip in French:Comment ajouter, soustraire, multiplier et diviser des cellules dans un tableau Word.

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