Hall Spectacle Of The Other Pdf

This seems also to be true of the theatre and any other forms of entertainment. Yet in 1820 three separate spectacles on the subject of this shipwreck were available to the British public, all based, or claiming to be based, on the narrative of two raft survivors, Henri Savigny and Alexandre. The Spectacle of the Other- Stuart Hall Representing the Difference 'Myth' - Barthes Power + Media + Stereotypes. Thomas Hall, born Thomasine Hall (c.1603 – after 1629), was an English intersex person and servant in colonial Virginia whose wearing of female attire and, on subsequent investigation, a liaison with a maid provoked public controversy in 1629. Stuart Hall Date 2013 Is part of Book Title Representation Author(s) Stuart Hall, Jessica Evans, Sean Nixon Date 2013 Publisher Open University Press, SAGE Pub place London, Milton Keynes, Thousand Oaks, Calif Edition 2nd ed ISBN-205474, 634.

Why are popular representations so drawn upon?

Where did popular figures and stereotypes come from?

How do we class ‘otherness’?

What is ‘other’?

These are all questions we should be asking ourselves.

Henrietta Lidchi looked at the Ethnographic museum (a national museum in Budapest, Hungary) and their project on “The West” from other cultures depict how the west live, racial and ethnic differences being prominent.

These stereotypes typically have been found to come form commercial adverting and magazine illustrations since the late nineteenth century beginning with the competitive world of modern day bodily aesthetics.


In “The chemical Olympics” magazine, a lead story was based on “Drug taking in athletes” specifically talking about Ben Johnson, when he used drugs to enhance his performance. Looking at the picture above before you knew that information, you could say it’s message is; ‘A triumphant moment for Johnson’ however when you know its also captioned ‘heros and villians’, it changes the meaning. When you are more informed, it could suggest that no matter what colour or race you are, everyone is susceptible to being a villain OR hero.

At a devotive level the image is “a picture of the 100 metres race”, however on a connotative level or sub theme being the drug story is ‘race’ and ‘difference’. Having these 2 meanings gives the magazine the choice with what to play on, giving the image a ‘preferred meaning’.

Hall Spectacle Of The Other Pdf Of One

Roland Barths (1977) argues that when you caption an image, the words are stuck with it. The discourse of the words and discourse of the image produce a ‘fixed’ meaning. Barths would specifically talk about the image of Johnson and call it a ‘meta-message’ or myth about race, colour and otherness because of what I have spoken about above with duel meaning.

Similarly Linford Christie won the 100 meters as well, while on the British team. Some where racial to him, arguing he was not British. In answer to this, he explained he was born in Jamaica and lived there until he was seven when he moved to live in the UK. He was a British citizen 27 years before he won the medal. Just because he was not ‘white’ do not mean he should be ‘othered’ by our western society.

Why does ‘difference’ matter?

It is something that is both necessary and dangerous. Without it ‘meaning’ would not exist, however it is far to easy for us to compare, which can digress to a negative. “we can only construct meaning through dialogue with “other” explains Mikhal Bakhtin.

Stuart Hall Spectacle Of The Other Pdf

The Society of the Spectacle is a philosophical text presented in nine chapters and 221short theses. Each thesis is brief—about a paragraph in length. The text presents an extensive reinterpretation of the philosophy of Marx, with particular focus on commodity fetishism and contemporary mass media. The work of Lukács is central to many theses, as is the philosophy of Hegel. In addition, the text expands Marx's notion of alienation well beyond labor. Debord directly addresses Soviet and American societies in the work.

Society Of The Spectacle Summary

The text is divided into nine named and enumerated chapters, each of which presents a basic theory and develops it with supporting matter and interpretation. The author presupposes a highly educated reader and throughout the text a plethora of references and insinuated references are discovered. The meaning of the text will change with the reader's familiarity with the various philosophies connected to the text. In general, a reader must be familiar with Marx and Hegel to make much sense of large portions of the text, particularly Chapter 4. Other sections are less dependent upon external references and much can be gained by a study of them, such as in Chapter 1, independent of other sources.

Hall Spectacle Of The Other Pdf Free

Debord suggests that modern society has undergone a significant and unique development since around the time of mass industrialization. People have moved away from the existence of necessity and toward an existence of surplus. As modern production has enabled the mass accumulation of capital, so it has changed the fundamental nature of the experience of living. Although this shift could have occurred in several ways, it did occur through a capitalist mechanism that has drawn upon several preexisting paradigms for support, notably Christianity. The result is Debord's society of the spectacle where, first, the condition of being is replaced by the condition of having; and, second, the condition of having is replaced by the appearance of having. In other words, modern production has enabled a surplus of the necessities of life so great that most people never face the reality of, e.g., starvation. In the early stages of the spectacle, massive amounts of capital are stockpiled—being is replaced by having. In the later stages of the spectacle, amassed capital becomes so immense that it is valueless within the system—having is replaced by the appearance of having.

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