How To Install Sun Explorer In Solaris 11 Commands

Use the following procedure to install Oracle Explorer after you havedownloaded the latest installer, as described in How to Download Oracle Explorer.

Note –

Oracle Explorer must be installed in the global zone if you areinstalling it on the Solaris 10 Operating System (SolarisOS). In Solaris 10, the pkgadd command includes a -g flagthat restricts installation to the global zone.

  1. If a version of Oracle Explorer is installed on the host,remove the SUNWexplo and SUNWexplu packagesbefore installing the new Oracle Explorer package.

  2. Become superuser.

  3. Type the following command at the prompt:


    If the SUNWexplu package is also installed, typethe following command at the prompt:

    pkgrm SUNWexplu

    Note –

    Removing the current SUNWexplo and SUNWexplu package saves the Oracle Explorer defaults file.

    InOracle Explorer 3.6.2 and earlier versions, the defaults file is explorer_install_dir/etc/default/explorer.

    In OracleExplorer 4.0 and later versions, the defaults file is /etc/opt/SUNWexplo/default/explorer.

    You can save the defaults file and use it as inputwhen you run the explorer-g command tocreate or update the defaults file. During installation of Oracle Explorerversion 4.0 or later, this file is moved from the explorer_install_dir/etc/default/explorer directory to the /etc/opt/SUNWexplo/default/explorer directory. The contents ofthe defaults file are displayed as the default responses when you run the explorer-g command.

    The output directory of the most recent Oracle Explorer run is savedin the explorer_install_dir/output directory.

  4. Extract Oracle Explorer from Services Tools Bundle (STB) using -ext option .

    To obtain the STB installeroptions, type ./ -help

  5. Uncompress and untar the Explorer_<version>.tar.Z file:

    Decide which of the following commands you should use to untar the file:

    • If you do not have zcat installed, type:

    • If you have zcat installed, type:

    Note –

    If you want to use Explorer from an alternate path, proceed tostep 2 in How to Use Explorer from an Alternate Path.

  6. To install Explorer and create directories called SUNWexplo and SUNWexplu type the followingcommand at the prompt as superuser:

    pkgadd -d . SUNWexploSUNWexplu

Note –
  • 06:16:00 Explorer, Operating System, Solaris 10/11 1.-Download from Oracle Support MOS the patch 22783063 and unzip and run the command below #./installs. 1.-Download from Oracle Support MOS the patch 22783063 and unzip and run the command below.
  • To upgrade the non-IPS format of Explorer to a higher version, use the commands pkgrm SUNWexplo and pkgrm SUNWexplu to remove the currently installed Oracle Explorer packages before attempting to install a new version as superuser. Also refer to the upgrade instructions found on the SunSolve web site. Question: Is there a way to install one copy of Oracle Explorer and share it among all my.
  • Hello, i'm running a hp-ux workstation model 715 / 100 with hp-ux version 11.11 i need a microsoft internet explorer for this workstation to make some tests. Does anyone know where i can cat a internet explorer 4.01 for my workstation? Thank all for help!;-) (3 Replies).

If this is an NFS installation that will support clients runningSolaris 7 or older, use the following command:

Solaris Live Upgrade avoids having to reboot or take the system down to single-user mode. Solaris Live Upgrade reduces the amount of downtime involved in patching and reduces risk by providing fallback capability if necessary. With Solaris Live Upgrade, you create an identical copy of.

A locale is a collection of files, data and sometimes code which contain the necessary information to adapt Solaris to a specific geographical market.
A locale is essentially a “bundle”, containing information such as:
1. the messages displayed to the user (localized messages)
2. codesets
3. date and time formatting conventions
4. monetary conventions decimal formatting conventions
5. collation (sort) order
6. fonts and/or other writing specific information.


The default naming convention for a locale is :

for example :

Note: In Solaris, there can be several locales for a single language.
For example, French is spoken in France and in Canada, but each country has different ways of displaying monetary and time information. Therefore, there is both the fr_FR locale (French – France) as well as the fr_CA locale (French – Canada) to accomodate these different cultural conventions.

Viewing locales and locale settings

To view the current locale settings:

As you can see above currently all the locale categories are set to “C”.

To obtain the list of locales available in a system, run the following command:

Adding new locale

As seen above there are only 3 locales installed on the system (C, POSIX, iso_8859_1). In order to change the locale we must first get it installed from the Solaris 10 DVD. To install a new locale first find the local name you want to install from the below command :

From the above command output, you can get all the available locale names. Suppose you want to install locale to have indian languages. First mount the Solaris ISO. and then install the locale named india using the localeadm command.

To verify the newly installed locale :

Setting new locale

1. Changing locales gloablly for all users
So now if you want to set the date and time format in Inian language Hindi you can set LC_TIME locale category to hi_IN.UTF-8. This requires a reboot of the system. Edit the /etc/default/init file and set/add the LANG and LC_* variables.

Reboot the system:

How To Install Sun Explorer In Solaris 11 Commands Windows 10

2. Setting user specific locales
Different locales can also be set for different users on the same system. To do this edit the profile of the individual user to export the specifi locales. For example,

How To Install Sun Explorer In Solaris 11 Commands Command


How To Install Sun Explorer In Solaris 11 Commands Pdf

To verify the new locales set :

How To Install Sun Explorer In Solaris 11 Commands Download

Check the current date, and you would see the the in the Hindi language.

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