Netsh Int Ip Reset All

Learning has never been so easy!

if u need to renew ip address often, maybe it's time to reduce some commands prompt.
The simple solution is creating a Batch file!

3 Steps total

Step 1: Open Notepad

Click Start > Notepad or Start > Run > type Notepad in the dialogue box

Netsh int ip reset c: resetlog.txt The command must be run in an elevated command prompt windows (WIN+X) and it can be destructive in terms of IPv4 info set on an adapter, solike don’t run it remotely on a server with a static IP. Type “netsh int ip reset” and then hit the Enter key on your keyboard. Wait for the Command Prompt to run through the TCP/IP reset. Once it’s complete, you’ll need to restart your computer to finish. Netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt netsh i i r r The last 'r' being the 'log file' that you really don't care to read. What does it do? It hits your TCP/IP stack with a sledge hammer. And forcefully rebuilds it via a rewrite of two Registry keys: SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services Tcpip Parameters SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services DHCP Parameters.

Step 2: In Notepad Enter The Following:

echo off
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /registerdns

Netsh Int Ip Reset All Para Que Serve

Step 3: Save The File

Then select save as, and give a name for this small program (ex: myrenewip.bat)


Remember, the extension must be .bat

That's all folks :-)

Published: Oct 25, 2008 · Last Updated: Sep 18, 2017


  • Anaheim
    Shane Wood Oct 26, 2008 at 08:14pm

    also may be helpful to add
    ipconfig /registerdns

    It will force the PC to reset its dns entries so other machines can find it after the renewal.

  • Anaheim
    RTP Nov 5, 2008 at 12:42pm

    Here's a way that we do this with a desktop shortcut to the cmd window with the arguments appended to the command. No batch file, just a pointer to the command prompt with added arguments.

    %windir%system32cmd.exe /C ipconfig/release & ipconfig/renew & ipconfig/registerdns

    start in:

    Off she goes!

  • Cayenne
    Rick_B Dec 3, 2008 at 05:35pm

    According to
    /registerdns automatically renews the IP address. Although may not obtain a new IP address if the lease is not up.

  • Pimiento
    sfzombie13 Oct 30, 2012 at 11:52pm

    i use the following bat file, i found that the pauses let me look at the results, without them the results scroll by rather quickly.
    @echo off

    ipconfig /release

    ipconfig /renew

    ipconfig /flushdns

    ipconfig /registerdns

    netsh dump

    nbtstat -R

    netsh int ip reset reset.log

    netsh winsock reset

  • Jalapeno
    EntoCraig Jul 22, 2014 at 02:20pm

    I know this is super old but i reference it often. Thanks!

  • Pimiento
    Alex GCC Mar 6, 2015 at 10:36am

    Just thinking that if you want to see the results, run the bat file from CMD with @echo on and no exit command at the end. That'll show you everything as it's done.

Resetting the TCP/IP stack can be a useful way to clear any issues that might be preventing your computer from accessing the Internet or network. In Windows, there are lots of things that could screw up a systems TCP/IP stack and lead to connectivity issues. This is because Microsoft Windows stores most network information including the TCP/IP stack details in the registry and there are lots of ways for third party applications to modify this information.

Netsh Int Ip Reset All

Luckily Microsoft also implemented a way to reset the TCP/IP stack back to defaults which can clear up a variety of issues. The command to clear and reset the TCP/IP stack (on Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10) is:


The command must be run in an elevated command prompt windows (WIN+X) and it can be destructive in terms of IPv4 info set on an adapter, so…like don’t run it remotely on a server with a static IP.

But I digress. The issue I’m really getting to is related to Homegroup membership and the Windows 10 upgrade. I found that if you’re upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and the original system you’re upgrading was joined to a homegroup, then the upgraded system might have issues with the TCP/IP stack (I.e. obtaining an IP address via DHCP).

[the problem]

I spent hours troubleshooting this on several freshly upgraded systems running Windows 10 that couldn’t connect to the network because they couldn’t obtain an IP from the DHCP server. All machines exhibited the same issue and all machines were previously joined to a homegroup (not a domain). Here are the symptoms:

  1. The system is upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 build 1511 and works as expected but cannot obtain an IP address via Ethernet or Wi-Fi.
  2. The system works normally if a static IP is assigned.
  3. Resetting the TCP/IP stack results in the following information:
    netsh int ipv4 reset
    Resetting interface, OK!
    Resetting Unicast Address, OK!
    Resetting Neighbor, OK!
    Resetting Path, OK!
    Resetting , failed.
    Access is denied.Resetting , OK!
    Restart the computer to complete this action

[the solution]

In essence having had the systems joined to a homegroup somehow messed up the TCP/IP stack in windows 10 after the upgrade to the point that the system cannot obtain an IP address from DHCP. Here’s how to fix the issue:

  1. Open Regedit.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlNsi and expand that folder.
  3. Expand the subfolder named {eb004a00-9b1a-11d4-9123-0050047759bc} and right-click the subfolder named 26. Select Permissions… and ensure that for Everyone the Full Control box is checked.
  4. Press WIN+X to open a command prompt with elevated permissions. Type netsh int ip reset and hit enter. Now you should see the following results:
    Resetting , OK!Restart the computer to complete this action
  5. Reboot the system.

Netsh Int Ip Reset Allison Transmission

That’s it.

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