Reading Ruud Model Numbers

Capacity: Look for those elusive two digits in the model number (usually, but not always) divisible by 6 and divide by 12 to convert to tons. Example: RPGC-037JA = 3 ton. Age: Four digits of serial number indicate date of manufacture where first two indicate the week and the third and fourth are the year. In the 1960s and early. Each manufacturer uses different formats and you need to de-code the water heater serial number. Read below how to determine the age of your unit. 1209D1234 (MMYYPnnnn) = December 2009. MM = month of manufacture YY = year of manufacture P = plant identifying code nnnn = a consecutive serial number for your individual unit.

Ruud Model Number Identification

Ruud model number search

Reading Ruud Model Numbers Diagram

Prestons will give you good data on units prior to 2005. Worth the cost if you work in the replacement market. I wouldn't worry as much about replacement windows changing the loads as I would the potential to improve performance by fixing the duct system. Correct sizing, correct construction, and sealing. If you are investing 6-15K for a new HVAC unit - another 1-3K for an effective distribution system is very reasonable. It will do more for comfort than a round of replacement windows that cost more.

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