Skyrim Destroy The Thalmor Mod

The guilds and factions that make up Skyrim have all become part of who we are and why we love the game so much – especially if you’re like me and you’ve been playing Elder Scrolls since before Skyrim came out.

Main article: Thalmor (Skyrim) For other uses, see Thalmor Soldier. Thalmor Soldiers are male and female Altmer members of the Thalmor, usually adorned in full Elven armor and Elven weapons. For spells, Thalmor Soldiers use Bound Sword and Flames. They are found in a duo or trio, often accompanied by a Thalmor Wizard or a Thalmor Justiciar. 1 Gear 2 Spells 3 Interactions 3.1 Diplomatic. About this mod Fight against the Thalmor and discover a new storyline leading to The Lost Orcish Stronghold of Adal Matar.Reach the Eastmarch Imperial Camp, or find the hidden Thalmor Advanced Camp, discover what the Thalmor is planning, and beat them on the go to Adal Matar!

As time keeps going by, though, factions start feeling the same.

And we tend to look for ways to make them better or… at the least change a bit about the way they look.

I found myself in the same predicament and I decided to go on a hunt to find the best mods that change factions in subtle and complex ways, to make the game feel a bit different in my next playthrough.

I think the list that I came up with here is actually pretty good, and I really hope you agree. Let’s get to it!

25. College Visitor Pass

What kind of college won’t let you visit it just because you aren’t a member?

I mean, how on Earth am I supposed to know whether I’d like to join if I can’t even see its infrastructure first?

The answer is The College of Winterhold, where they tell you that you can’t pass because you aren’t enrolled, but they probably just want to make you a member first before you check out the decadent state of its grim interiors.

The College Visitor Pass mod allows you to walk and roam freely through the halls of the college, even allowing you to complete side quests that shouldn’t require you to be a college mage to get them done anyway.

24. Thieves Guild Requirements

This mod makes the Thieves Guild much stricter when it comes to who they recruit.

You now need to be a proper thief if you want to join, and you will need to follow requirements if you wish to activate the questline.

23. Underground Gladiator Arena

Skyrim join the thalmor

Oh man, I was super excited when I saw this mod at first.

If you are like me and spent countless hours playing Oblivion, then you probably grew as fond of the arena as I did. That Colosseum feel might be hard to imitate in Skyrim. But this mod is as close as you’ll get to reviving the Oblivion arena as possible.

It adds an underground arena where you can go against some of the strongest fighters in Skyrim and show your true might against countless foes until you face the Grand Champion.

Kill him and become the champion yourself!

22. Trainers Guild for Aspiring Mages

The Trainer’s Guild is a new guild that has opened up in Skyrim, which allows everyone to join them for a fee.

The main objective of this guild is to gather mages who have no sort of affiliation with the College of Winterhold and wish to remain like this, but still wish to form part of an organization that gathers magical talent in the lands.

The mod includes a player home as well as a fence and a new enchanter to spice things up for the Dragonborn and their quest to become the ultimate mage in the land.

21. Work a Steady Job as a Blacksmith

Although not a guild per se, you can become a freelance blacksmith if you choose to install this mod.

How cool is would it be to have a nine to five job in Skyrim?

Probably not that cool I guess, but if that’s what you want to roleplay as then this is the mod for you.

With this installed you get unlimited tasks that you’ll be able to perform and get paid for doing them, and you can keep doing them until you’re bored or if you feel that you have more than enough money already.

It’s your life as a blacksmith in the world of The Elder Scrolls!

20. Aldmeri Dominion Strengthened – Join the Thalmor

Wood Elves, High Elves, and Khajit will now be able to join the ranks of the mythical Thalmor.

All of the Thalmor in the land will become friendly with you after you join them, and although this mod doesn’t bring a whole bunch of quests to the game, it will add new followers as well as the gratitude of the Thalmor instead of their usual disdain towards the player.

What’s even better is that you’ll get to enter the Embassy again after you’ve completed the quest. Gone are the days of hate towards the Dragonborn.

19. Archmage Tolfdir

Being the Archmage of the College of Winterhold is a particularly draining task. And you might want to help the college at first, but taking on the role of their leader is too much for some.

This mod allows you tell Tolfdir to take the role himself, which will make him take the same role as the previous Archmage and live in the quarters of the College wearing the robes.

Keep in mind that this mod will still let you finish quests that need you to be the Archmage to start, so you won’t lose any potential missions.

18. Dark Brotherhood for Good Guys

Well this mod isn’t as “evil-to-good” as the Thieves Guild for Good Guys mod.

But it doesn’t let you study your targets more before you kill them.

You will be an assassin anyway who works for the forces of darkness, but you will learn why some people need to die before you execute each kill.

The mod also reworks the dialogue of the player, so you sound less like Christian Bale in American Psycho and more like Johnny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

I know it’s not much of an improvement, but still.

17. Better Archmage Quarters Inside the College of Winterhold

If you’ve already installed the mod to make Tolfdir become the Archmage, then go back.

You will want to give this mod a try as it makes the quarters of the Archmage inside the College much better.

It will finally feel cozy and not like you’re living in a ruin that seems to be falling apart. Also you get new mannequins. How cool is that?

16. Imperial Legion Armor Variety

Imperial Legionnaires might be fearsome and mighty warriors, but they sure as hell lack a sense of fashion.

It’s not easy to get your battle wears designed by Hugo Boss like the Nazis (yes that happened), but a bit of variation suits everyone well.

This mod makes the Imperial fighters dress differently, as it adds new variations to the way they dress. A simple mod, but visually appealing.

15. All Thieves Guild Jobs Concurrently

Enough with taking up to two jobs at a time.

With this mod you’ll be able to take all seven types of jobs that the Thieves Guild offers at once.

Gone are the days of not being able to multi-task when it’s actually a simple thing to do for a skilled thief. Make the best use of your skills as possible and take on multiple small jobs at once.

14. Glorious Fort Dawnguard

It’s time to make Fort Dawnguard the best version of itself possible.

Get down to business with this standalone mod that is meant to take you on a mission to rebuild Fort Dawnguard and make it a much more glorious version of itself.

It will get new areas, new patrols, new NPCs, and much more. Just be sure to complete the entire guide!

13. Dawnguard Sentries Plus

Congratulations! If you downloaded this mod, there are now Dawnguard sentinels in every major city in the game to aid citizens and guards in their attempt to fight off vampires.

It really makes no sense for all the forces to be concentrated in Fort Dawnguard or spread thin across the lands when they can easily be patrolling towns and cities to prevent vampires from running havoc.

Mac os x no packages were eligible for install. I have no clue why this isn’t a thing in the base DLC, but it is now after I’ve downloaded the Dawnguard Sentries Plus mod.

12. The Forsworn Legacy

This lore-friendly mod allows the Dragonborn to become part of the Forsworn, one of the weirdest and most frowned-upon factions in the game.

By joining them you’ll be able to interact with their members and even meet new members that aren’t originally in the game.

What’s even better is that the Forsworn Legacy mod comes fully voiced, and all new characters include custom voices that you can enjoy in the game.

11. Vigilant of Stendarr Quests

The Vigilant of Stendarr are some noble warriors that serve under oath to Stendarr, which means that the organization itself is not easy to join.

You will need to fulfill a specific set of requirements if you wish to join the ranks of the organization, but should you happen to be noble warrior you should have no problems in doing so.

In any case, the mod comes with a bunch of quests and things you can do in the organization. All of the mod is voice-acted so immersion won’t be an issue at all.

10. Wars of the Third Era LOTR

If you’re a Lord of the Rings fan, then you need to check out this mod like right now.

This mod makes it so Uruk warriors are approaching Skyrim and about to invade it, and guess who needs to save the day once again?

Yep that’s right – the guy with the ability to harvest the souls of dragons.

This amazing mod mixes The Elder Scrolls with LOTR to create a compelling and unique story where you’ll be the hero at the end of the day.

The mod naturally includes new races, battles, weapons, armor, and much more. Check it out and mix two franchises that definitely go really well together.

9. College of Winterhold Glory Days

Imagine if those ancient halls of the College of Winterhold hadn’t seen their best years yet.

Imagine if the best things were yet to come for the College, and it wasn’t as grim-looking as it is in the base game. Well, imagine no further.

You can now download this mod, which will have the college fixed and restored to its former days of glory when things weren’t going too badly for the mages there.

You will get new classrooms, NPCs, students, mages, and a full reconstruction and improvement of the college area like you have always dreamed.

An ideal mod for those that were always disappointed by the state of the college during their Skyrim playthroughs.

8. College of Winterhold Entry Requirements

In my latest Skyrim playthrough I went straight to the College of Winterhold after finishing the first few quests that the game has in store for us.

I had the option to instantly join the college without even knowing basic spells from any of the schools of magic.

M1 mac android emulator. I mean that’s cool and all in terms of inclusion, but it makes no sense for me to join the college without knowing useful spells.

This mod makes it more difficult for the Dragonborn to join the College of Winterhold by adding specific requirements that truly make you worthy of forming part of such a prestigious institution. Train yourself in the various schools of magic and learn before joining an advanced learning institution.

You may want to combine this mod with the College Visitor Past that I ranked at the 25th spot, as it will allow you to enter the college with a pass even when you’re not a member.

7. Thieves Guild Redone

Progress through the main story of the Thieves Guild by completing its fantastic questline as always, but watch as the environment in which the thieves live actually improve as the guild evolves.

Gone are the days of beds being added to the headquarters and thieves going crazy about them.

It’s time to have those Thieves Guild locations really improved, and this mod aims to do just that.

You’ll notice how many things get added to the grounds of the Ragged Flagon and Thieves Guild Headquarters, including lightning, furniture, and even loot.

Make the best of these new improvements that will truly reflect the growth of the Thieves Guild!

6. Dark Brotherhood Reborn

Man, why do all assassins and darkness-dwellers get portrayed as filthy scum that live in things that either look like sewers or smell like them?

I mean just because I go around killing people for a living doesn’t mean I don’t have a proper sense for décor, right?

I know you agree with me – especially if you’re a massive fan of the Dark Brotherhood like me (even though it was better in Oblivion).

This mod changes the Dawnstar sanctuary and makes it truly feel like a base for the Dark Brotherhood.

You will be able to see how true assassins live in Skyrim, and not how they were originally portrayed by Bethesda.

5. Become a Bard

Yay, bards! I don’t know why such an iconic RPG class was left out of playable Skyrim characters (and TES in general), but bards are now in full force in Skyrim thanks to the Become a Bard mod.

New quests, new songs, and much more await those who wish to walk the path of music in Skyrim.

No need to be a warrior anymore.

It’s time for you to pick up your trusty ukulele and sing the songs of the ancient.

4. Enhanced Skyrim Factions – The Companions Guild

This mod is a complete rework of how the Companions Guild works.

You will no longer be able to become the leader of such a prestigious institution by being a low-level warrior, or a weak mage. You will have to earn your way through the ranks of the Companions and truly show that you’re worth being the leader of this amazing guild.

The mod improves story progression and adds new requirements that are meant to make rising through the Companions Guild ranks ever more satisfying.

3. Thieves Guild for Good Guys

Now this amazing mod completely reworks the Thieves Guild and allows you to become a member of the guild without sending anyone to jail, or even being a bad thief.

The mod incorporates various voiced quests to the game, which are meant to make the Thieves Guild restore its long-lost honor in Skyrim.

You can make the Thieves Guild a completely different entity to what it is. And it’ll all be done at the hands of the Dragonborn.

Not all thieves are bad guys, right? Show it!

2. Sokco’s Guild Starter

It’s time for you to start the guild that you always wished it existed in Skyrim.

Create your own faction and choose why you’ve created in, recruit members, and even choose a base for your guild to exist.

You can have up to 10 guild members in your guild but almost anyone in the game can be recruited. How cool is this! Definitely give it a try if you have time.

1. Hunting in Skyrim – A Hunting Guild

Alright, I’m not going into much detail with this mod because I really want you to try it out yourself.

The mod doesn’t only add a Hunter’s Guild; you will also be able to experience hunting like never before with the ability to skin game, trapping, and even stat tracking for your kills.

It’s a marvelous mod and I recommend to anyone that’s reading this if you like the hunting mechanics in RDR2.

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Skyrim comes with a ton of quests that guarantee hours of entertainment.

But with the game having released so long ago, it’s only natural that players turn to the world of modders to find out new adventures to keep the Skyrim world alive. Thankfully many fans of the Elder Scrolls franchise have taken the task of creating the finest and most amazing mods.

Some of these mods are so huge that they turn Skyrim into basically another game, and some of them can even be compared in quality and size with the official Skyrim DLCs that have been released so far.

That’s why I’ve made a list of the best Skyrim quest mods that you can find on the internet. I know how difficult it can be to find new quality quests to play, but hopefully this list can get you started.

20. Shezzarine: The Fate of Tamriel

In this mod you become Shezzarine, a powerful warrior destined to shape the fate of Tamriel according to fate.

The main thing about this mod is that Onmund, the College of Winterhold apprentice and companion that many players love, takes a crucial role and gets thousands of new lines of dialogue to interact with him.

You’ll be facing the mission of defining the fate of Tamriel as well as the fate of the Thalmor themselves. What will they be? Your actions will redefine the course of history!

19. Enderal

Even though Enderal is one of the most complete mods on this list, it takes one of the higher spots mainly because it isn’t a quest mod per se, but rather an entirely different game.

Enderal is a new game based on the engine of Skyrim, made by modders over the course of a few years.

The game is surprisingly complete and comes packed with hundreds of lines of dialog as well as quests and a unique story never seen before.

Keep in mind that Enderal does have a fair share of bugs, as it wasn’t developed by a large team of professionals but rather by fans of the TES franchise.

18. Moonpath to Elsweyr

This massive mod adds the entire region of Elsweyr to base-game Skyrim. This is a region that was already added in an Oblivion mod before, but fully redefined to fit the graphical demands of TES V.

This mod will take you to the lands of the Khajit where you’ll have to help them fight against the Thalmor to defend their region and keep it safe. Sounds like a real adventure if you ask me.

17. Fight Against the Thalmor

These three mods will put you in a path to fight the Thalmor, just like other mods on this list. But in a more direct fashion.

You’ll get to take the fight by your own hands and try to destroy the enemies of peace by utilizing the power of the Dragonborn to put a stop to the evil Elven society.

South Dragon Bridge is a particularly standout addition to this series and I fully recommend you try it!

16. Into the Depths

Are you into scary games? If so then maybe Skyrim doesn’t quite cut it.

But if you want scary I’d like to suggest that you try this incredible mod.

Into the Depths takes you into an abandoned mine where citizens have reported to have heard the voices of the undead deep within.

You’ll have to explore the mine and find out what’s causing the noises, attempting to put a stop into them.

Keep in mind that this mod is meant to add a scary questline to Skyrim so if you’re one of those to be easily frightened you might want to avoid trying this one entirely.

15. Psijic Realm

Do you claim to be a powerful mage? Are you seeking to join the ranks of the mighty Psijic Order?

Then you’ll have to complete the College of Winterhold questline and wait to be contacted by a member of the order themselves, who will invite you to test yourself and join their ranks.

Skyrim Join The Thalmor

The Psijic Realm mod adds a lot of new places to the game, as well as a new questline with dozens of hours of gameplay in which your main goal will be to defeat the Dark Brotherhood!

14. Undeath

Those who seek a life in control of the dark arts might want to try the Undeath mod.

This enhances the experience of a dark by allowing you to become a mighty Necromancer, bringing the dead back to life and obtaining the powers of a Lich King.

If you love Conjuration then this mod is for you.

13. The Wheels of Lull

If you know a lot about The Elder Scrolls lore with knowledge stretching beyond the TES games, then this mod is probably going to be the one to try.

It adds a ton of new quests, weapons, armors, and dungeons that are mentioned in other Elder Scrolls stories, but that haven’t made an appearance in games yet (up until this mod was released, that is).

You don’t need to be a lore expert to enjoy this mod. But you might miss a few references and not feel as immersed as one who knows a thing or two.

12. Moon and Star

Moon and Star isn’t as massive of a mod as others on this list, but it still adds a new questline which includes a known foe from the days of TES III: Morrowind.

It also adds a new town and new weaponry for you to obtain and enjoy. So all in all a pretty decent one to give a try if you’ve got the time.

11. The Forgotten City

If you’re into mods with immersive storylines then The Forgotten City quest is going to be perfect for you.

This is one of the few quest mods where you can alter the end of the story depending on your actions.

This means that it has a lot of replay value if you choose to go over it a few times with different endings.

10. Summerset Isle

The Summerset Isle can only be officially visited in the Elder Scrolls universe if you play TES Online, but you may now also visit them in Skyrim as well thanks to this awesome mod.

The legendary Elven home is highly likely to feature in the following Elder Scrolls single-player game, but in the meantime you can travel Summerset with all of your Skyrim gear and explore the vastness of the region with your own equipment.

This mod adds a whole new region to the game as well as hundreds of new NPCs and quests, all with unique dialog lines that are unique to this single mod.

9. Maids II – Deception (NSFW)

Maids II is the continuation of an already popular mod that many fans loved in Oblivion.

Deception further develops the story into an even more complex series of events. Even though the story is quite rich and unique, you should still keep in mind that Deception has a lot of NSFW material meant to be played by adults.

Stay clear from this mod if you’re not comfortable with your Skyrim save being filled with… ahem… non-kid-friendly material.

8. Beyond Reach

The Reach is a dark region that you’ll easily find to be one hell of an eerie place during your first visit.

In fact, you’ll instantly notice how things never seem to get bright in The Reach (also known as High Rock) as there seems to be a plagued cursed upon the lands of this region.

Your quest will be to find what’s causing things to go bad in The Reach all whilst keeping your sanity and interacting with three new different factions.

Each faction has its own goals and motivations, and the story is as well written like any other in the base game.

7. Beyond Skyrim

Beyond Skyrim aims to incorporate many regions of Tamriel into the Skyrim base game.

So far only Bruma has been released (and there’s an even bigger mod that adds almost the entire world of Cyrodiil to the game) but the details that you’ll find in this mod are second to none.

The region looks like it was made by pros and it comes with dozens of new quests as well as unique dialog that you won’t find anywhere else in the game.

If you loved Bruma in Oblivion then you’ll absolutely love the chance to visit with the graphics and gameplay of Skyrim!

6. The Tools of Kagrenac

Here you’ll have to discover what happened to the Tools of Kagrenac after the events of Morrowing came to a halt. But if you played the game, you probably already know what they are.

If you haven’t, then I don’t want to spoil it for you.

Get yourself ready to embark on a quest that will truly test your resolve!

5. The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal

This large quest requires you to find the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal which is basically the same as the end of the Thieves’ Guild quest of Oblivion.

However this story is vastly developed and contains hours of new gameplay for you to enjoy.

Become the most legendary of thieves by embarking and completing this awesome quest and see where it takes you.

4. Helgen Reborn

It doesn’t matter which Skyrim mod list you look at, Helgen Reborn is always going to be near the top.

If you don’t recall, Helgen is the small town which gets destroyed by Alduin just when the game begins, and it remains destroyed throughout the entire story of the game, never to be used again.

However with Helgen Reborn you’ll get to follow a huge questline to reconstruct the city and decide who will take charge of administrating it – be it the Empire, the Stormcloaks, or even the local population that wishes to live in Helgen once again.

3. Wyrmstooth

Wyrmstooth will take you on an adventure in search of a dragon that has been tormenting the people of the region for a little more than a while.

The story will let you know who the dragon is, why it acts the way it does, and how you can stop it.

You’ll have to resolve many puzzles and traverse through countless dungeons if you wish to succeed. But the rewards are aplenty!

2. Legacy of the Dragonborn

The Legacy of the Dragonborn is probably one of the most famous mods in the history of Skyrim.

It adds so many quests that you won’t even be able to count them all, as well as a personal museum and dozens of hours of gameplay to revitalize your gaming experience.

This mod will help you become a collector of artifacts and you will even get your own personal museum in Solitude!

In fact, the Path to Elsweyr mode is included in the Legacy of the Dragonborn. This means you won’t have to download the Khajit homeland questline mod if you choose to get this one first.

1. Falskaar

If you’ve searched for Skyrim quest mods before then you’ve probably already heard of Falskaar.

Even though the story added within this mod is not canon, it’s fully lore-friendly and gives you over 20 hours of fully-voiced playtime.

Skyrim Destroy The Thalmor Mod Armor

The amount of work that was put into this makes it the best Skyrim quest mod around, and will let you explore the vast lands of Falskaar for hours on end.

The mod adds many new books, weapons, quests, and even a unique soundtrack created by the developers of the mod to make your experience unique and special.

There are many Skyrim mods out there, but this is easily the best quest mod that you’ll find.

Bonus: Skyblivion

In case you haven’t heard of this, there’s a GIANT mod being developed called Skyblivion which integrates the story of Oblivion with the engine of Skyrim.

As such, you’ll be able to play again The Elder Scrolls IV with the graphics of Skyrim.

Skyrim Destroy The Thalmor Mod Minecraft 1.12.2

The project has taken many years to developed and isn’t quite finished yet (as of writing this article) but there’s already a trailer in place which looks as promising as any other Elder Scrolls title. Keep your eyes out for this mod’s release!

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